Posted: Sunday, June 23rd, 2024



Cois Abhann Community Centre has just launched its ‘Bring a Book/Take a Book’ in Cois Abhann. The idea came from Brenda Stewart who gave us some books and a shelf to start the ball rolling. Sandra Cullen followed up with getting shelving from IKEA. Jackie Sheehan at Cracker Design House completed the design. Andy Malone and Jimmy O’Carroll fitted the units in place. A great community effort. Francesca Watkin takes in the books.

Everyone is welcome to peruse the books and bring and take a book. Unfortunately, we are not able to take loads of books so it is, literally, take a book and bring a book.

We would take this opportunity to ask anyone interested to curate the books on a weekly basis as it’s a community venture. This involves moving books into categories and adding newer books.

We are also looking for fundraising to extend the shelves and maybe add a seat or two that fold up. So any donations would be gratefully received.