Posted: Tuesday, May 28th, 2024

Woodstock Gardens & Arboretum Committee – Public Update

In 2023, the Woodstock Gardens & Arboretum Committee was re-established by Kilkenny Co. Council. The terms and reference of this committee is to input and make recommendations to the Council on the presentation and offering of Woodstock Gardens & Arboretum and the established trails within the wider Woodstock Estate. The objective of this initiative is to encourage economic growth within the local community and foster greater local participation with the Gardens & Arboretum.

The Committee is an non-statutory entity made up of nominates from the Elected Members of the Callan-Thomastown Municipal District, local community and Coillte and is supported by officials from Kilkenny Co. Council.

At our last committee meeting it was agreed that a short public information piece would be prepared outlining the capital funding secured and invested in Woodstock by Kilkenny Co. Council over the 5-year period from 2019 – 2023. A list of the key projects delivered during this period are outlined below:

Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme

2019-2020 – Woodstock Loop Walk and Ladies Loop Walk Rehabilitation Scheme
2019-2020 – Enhancements to the main entrance and Tea Room
2019-2023 – Woodstock Estate – Social Media Promotion & Marketing Campaign
2021-2022 – Development of the Woodstock Waterfall Loop Walk
2022-2023 – Victorian pathway enhancements along the Noble Fir & Monkey Puzzle Avenues. Improvements to the toilet block, entrance resurfacing, provision of age-friendly and disabled parking, the installation of accessible play equipment and significant a native planting programme

Outdoor Dining Grant (Covid-19 Recovery Grant)

2020-2021 – Provision of outdoor dining area near carpark, improvements to Tea Room patio areas and provision of new furniture and equipment to increase food & beverage offering including provision of ice-cream parlor hut near carpark

Disability Participation and Awareness Fund

2021-2022 – Provision of a new electric wheelchair-accessible mobility buggy and the installation of additional accessible play equipment (Play tower / castle structure with access ramp)

Local Biodiversity Action Fund

2021-2022 – Targeted removal of Invasive Species within the Estate

The above, which excludes the day-to-day maintenance costs of this wonderful amenity, amounts to an impressive €1,058,000 and includes match funding provided by Kilkenny Co. Council during this period. Other exciting projects are in the pipeline for Woodstock Estate and we will keep you posted with future updates.

Committee: Cllr. Michael Doyle (Chair), Cllr. Peter Chap Cleere, Cllr. Deirdre Cullen, Carmel Cummins, Eddie Keher, Gerry Malone, Frank Sullivan, Georgina Morrissey, Mary Clifford (Coillte), Jesper Petersen (Coillte)